Committed to Local Procurement
Mining companies can have a significant local economic impact through procurement decisions. Approximately $1.73 billion or 96% of Lundin Mining’s goods and services were procured at the local or national level at our operating sites in 2020. We began working with the Lundin Foundation at Neves-Corvo in 2017 to strengthen fair and open local procurement practices. These initiatives are building the supply chain group’s capacity to develop and implement local procurement programs and launch training programs for local entrepreneurs, in hopes of providing goods and services to the mine. At Neves-Corvo, local procurement includes all goods and services procured at the country level - the local procurement rate in 2020 was 93%.
Fast Facts
Over $593,000 invested in 2020 community initiatives
Around 15,000 meals provided to +500 children at schools in the region
56,236 cubic meters of potable water provided to villages around the mine

Nurturing Economic Diversification
As part of our commitment to operating responsibly, we work directly with the communities to mitigate the effects of the boom-and-bust economic impact of mining. For more than 30 years, the area around Neves-Corvo has continually relied on the mining economy. The company provides in-kind donations to organizations located in villages and towns across Baixo Alentejo Region in the areas of sports, education, community safety and wellness. Working with the Lundin Foundation, Lundin Mining and Neves-Corvo are supporting and providing economic diversification projects for regional development outside of mine activities. This support focuses on empowering entrepreneurs to leverage other great assets in the region, such as nature tourism.
Strategic Initiatives
Entrepreneurship & Economic Diversification Programs
From sponsoring key programs such as the Entrepreneurship & Economic Diversification Course with ISCTE (University of Lisbon) to hosting Nature Tourism Workshops to incubate the tourism economy, Lundin Mining together with the Lundin Foundation are focused on strengthening the local economy outside of the mining industry. Programs geared towards entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises aim to support a sustainable economy for all future generations, beyond the life of the mine.

Preserving Cultural Heritage
Lundin Mining’s community investment program contributes to the preservation of our host communities’ heritage. In 2019, Neves-Corvo supported the restoration of the Royal Basilica of Castro Verde. The historic monument showcases murals made up of thousands of tiles depicting the Battle of Ourique. The first phase of the restoration was celebrated in December 2019.
Fire & Rescue Academy
In 2017, the Health & Safety, Mine Rescue, and Community Relations teams at Neves-Corvo developed a private-public partnership with the Municipality of Almodôvar to establish a Fire & Rescue Academy. The academy with local schools and health services will train community residents and local fire departments in the region to respond to fires and emergency situations. The world-class training facility will also inject new economic development opportunities related to the academy such as accommodations, transportation and food services, while investing in the skills and knowledge economy of the region.

Open Community Forums
With an importance on open dialogue and transparency, Neves-Corvo organized a roadshow of community forums in 2018, the first-ever since the start of their operations. These forums bring the community together, educating and updating them on the mine’s operations and activities, while sharing plans for future growth. Held in each of the five municipalities surrounding the mine, they were led by General Manager of Neves-Corvo who answered questions directly and in-person, while covering topics such as health and safety culture, environmental practices and social performance initiatives. The campaign will continue to be rolled out in the smaller villages surrounding the mine so that all residents can engaged and educate themselves on our operations.
Supporting Girls from Developing Nations
In 2019, Neves-Corvo welcomed an intern from the Girl MOVE Academy, facilitated by Life Movement, an organization that supports the mentoring of university-educated women from Mozambique, Africa. The intern gained experience in mining operations, administration, community outreach and social responsibility. The Girl MOVE Academy brings 30 young Mozambican women to Portugal each year who are motivated to solve challenges in their communities.