Responsible Mining
Lundin Mining is committed to responsible mining. Our reputation as a good corporate citizen is central to our values and vital to the long-term success of our business. We seek to create enduring relationships and shared values with our local communities and our stakeholders.
We are committed to operating in compliance with applicable laws and regulations in all jurisdictions where we operate, and we seek to continuously improve our sustainability performance. We strive to align our policies and procedures with international best practice and guidance for social and environmental performance, and to ensure that we meet our objectives and targets. Management monitors and reviews performance on a regular basis, and we publicly communicate our efforts annually.
We have established a Responsible Mining Policy that describes our specific management commitments to responsible mining. In addition, our Responsible Mining Framework provides a comprehensive, single point of reference for information relating to our commitment to sustainable development. Under this Framework we commit to develop and implement management systems and operating practices that take into consideration applicable international guidelines.
2020 Highlights
15Zero Harm Weeks
Weeks with Zero reported Recordable Injuries
Total Company-wide Water Withdrawal
3% from areas with water stress (excluding seawater withdrawal)
Social Investments
$8.9 million of direct social investment expenditures across our operations
0.55 TRIF
Improvement over 2019, Lundin Mining achieved a Company best-ever TRIF
Sustainability Reports
Lundin Mining follows an annual reporting cycle and reports on its sustainability performance using the reporting framework of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, including applicable Mining and Metals Sector Supplement (MMSS) guidance.

Lundin Mining is committed to giving back to the communities in which we operate by funding important social programs such as Zinc Saves Kids.
Zinc Saves Kids is an initiative to improve the survival, growth, and development of undernourished children by funding UNICEF’s zinc supplementation and treatment programs. Learn more about Zinc Saves Kids.
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In 2016, Lundin Mining joined the UN Global Compact. Our corporate values and guiding principles align well with the Global Compact’s ten principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anticorruption. We are working to continue to integrate these principles into our business strategy, day-to-day operations and ultimately our organizational culture.
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Involvement with memberships and industry associations enables Lundin Mining to keep current regarding matters of public policy, emerging-sector and sustainability trends, regulatory updates, and the sharing of industry best practices.
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