Analyst Coverage
Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding the performance of Lundin Mining made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, estimates or forecasts of Lundin Mining or its management. Lundin Mining does not by its reference below or distribution imply that it analyzes or approves of such information, conclusions or recommendations.
Lundin Mining does not distribute analysts' reports. This list may not be complete and may change as firms add or delete coverage.
Equity Analysts |
Firm | Equity Analyst |
Bank of America | Lawson Winder |
BMO Capital Markets | Under Review |
Canaccord Genuity | Dalton Baretto |
Carnegie Investment Bank | Igor Tubic |
CIBC Capital Markets | Anita Soni |
Cormark Securities | Stefan Ioannou |
Deutsche Bank | Edward Goldsmith |
Goldman Sachs | Matt Greene |
Handelsbanken | Christian Kopfer |
Haywood Securities | Pierre Vaillancourt |
Jefferies | Christopher Lafemina |
J.P. Morgan | Patrick Jones |
Kepler Cheuvreux | Ola Soedermark |
Morgan Stanley | Ioannis Masvoulas |
National Bank Financial | Shane Nagle |
Paradigm Capital | Gordon Lawson |
Pareto Securities | Niclas Wahlström |
Raymond James | Farooq Hamed |
RBC Capital Markets | Sam Crittenden |
Scotia Capital | Orest Wowkodaw |
Stifel GMP | Cole Mcgill |
TD Securities | Craig Hutchison |
UBS Investment Bank | Daniel Major |
Ventum Financial | Connar Mackay |